Chromosome 18 Europe, Summer Fete at Eden Square Urmston Manchester.

Chromosome 18 Europe, Summer Fete at Eden Square Urmston Manchester. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Cheryl Donlan
Monday, 26 August 2013 14:54
In a few days time on Sat 31st August 2013, myself and a fantastic group of friends and local businesses will be holding a summer fete.

Yet again another very overwhelming experience for me, as the amount of support I have been given is unbelievable.

Local businesses who no doubt know me through the experience of having Gorgeous George in their shop, either screaming and echoing his voice, demanding toys he may see or they may notice the discarded crisps George disposes of once he’s licked them.
Either way Gorgeous George is very much loved by my local community and on Sat 31st August I know my local community will make me very very proud.
We are raising awareness and funds for Chromosome 18 as this is the charity who have always supported myself and family throughout our scary and happy times with George.

At 10 am we will start our fete with some excellent stalls:
Purple Buttercup (crafts) ,
Sugar Bun Sisters (cakes).
Sweetie trees (sweets).
Chromosome 18 BBQ
Chromosome 18 Tombola
Chromosome 18 Smoothies
Chromosome 18 Awareness Stand with our very own Dr Chris Steele and Bonnie Mckerracher.
Also on the day we have  music entertainment, our very own Mascot and Clown selling balloons of sorts and making the children laugh .

We have two face painters to do all sorts of fancy designs.
Firemen and their truck will also be making an appearance for the children to have fun exploring, and for the mums to watch also !
One of the stores Quality Save are also joining in with our fete by their staff all attending work in fancy dress plus bag packing and collections on every till. Not only that their store manager John has volunteered himself in the stocks 10am till 12pm so that he can be drenched by paying volunteers to throw very wet sponges at him !! I’m told his staff have started a very long queue !

So now you can see why I am very proud to have such an amazing local community around me supporting myself and Gorgeous George raise funds and awareness for Chromosome 18 Europe .

There are way too many people to name and thank but they all know who they are, each and everyone one of them .

You’re all amazing !

Posted in 2013, Events