

Donations to the Chromosome 18 Europe Registry and Research Society Europe are always very welcome.

These help to fund conferences and other services we provide and to pay for administration costs like printing and postage.

We also contribute to research at the Chromosome 18 Clinical Research Centre at The University of Texas in San Antionio.

We only have one part time paid staff member who deals with administration.

Donations can be made by the following online methods and will be very gratefully received.

1) Virgin Giving


You can donate via Virgin Giving by clicking here and then clicking on the Make a Donation or Make a Monthly Donation.

Direct Debit

Please download the form from here and send it to your bank.

2) Money Transfer

The bank details are as follows
CAF. Bank.
Account number: 00018616
Sort code: 40 52 40
IBAN: GB88CAFB40524000018616

You are able to pay into any branch of HSBC.

If you don’t mind, please send an email to the treasurer ( when the donation has been made or if you have any problems.